Monday, December 24, 2007

Make as many words with S-A-N-T-A as you can...

We have 2 local newpapers. One is a weekly and the other a daily. They are good for local news. It was very sad to me, the latest edition of both had an editorial written very sweetly to a child, telling them that there is, indeed, a Santa Claus and that anyone who would say otherwise is denying "the magic of Christmas". One went so far as to say that Santa reports how good or bad we are "to Jesus and the angels"....Santa is always watching you...

OK. cute.

But if how about an outcry about the shame of denying the REAL magic of Christmas, that it is JESUS being born, and, moreso, Jesus coming to a horrible place at a horrible time to live a horrible life ending in a horrible execution so that we could have access to God. That's it. The whole thing.

Not so cute, but it's the one that's real.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Real is rarely cute.