Saturday, May 22, 2010

Politics or Values

As we muddle through the divisions in this country I wonder how we can maintain our values and not sell them out for the political gain. Winning is the political piece, integrity is the values piece. Each is important, but I propose that the values piece trumps. What good is it to give way on our values for a political win? We sit in the seat weakened...often in leadership and affected by our sellout.

I see our society doing this even in our public schools. We can't tell the students the truth because of a political point...we want the money so we sell the truth short....we rationalize that truth might not - in fact - be truth...("truth for you might not be truth for me..").

The problem with letting this go to the schools is that we are indoctrinating a generation, and as that generation indoctrinates it's young people, they will have weaker values, watered down by the weakness of their predecessors. How can we stop the madness?

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