Thursday, September 30, 2010

Take it on faith

So, in our science that operates on "facts" versus faith, the following appeared in numerous news web sites today:

1. A planet that has characteristics that can support life (based on what on earth supports life) has been identified "near" the earth. (actually, we can't see it, we can only assume (is assume like faith at all?) its presence by anomalies in what we observe of its sun)

2. It is about 20 light years away...meaning that if we traveled at the speed of light it'd take 20 years to get there. (that is "near" the earth?) (and, how exactly do we "know" it is that many light years one has traveled a light year)(...and...the light we are observing occurred 20 years ago on that assumption...any faith there?)

3. It is "100%" certain to have the characteristics that would allow it to have abundant liquid water, a statement the discovering scientist is "nearly certain" of.

And they think we people of faith make some big leaps...

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