Monday, March 17, 2008

Cutting up

It's getting ready to be mowing season again. The grass is getting a little fuzzy as the more fertile parts of the yard speed things up...thanks to our neighborhood yard fertilizer (a large chocolate lab named "Moose"). There are myriad things hanging around the yard that will soon be mulch...sticks, leaves, maybe a small toy or 2...

I love the smell of mown grass, especially the first one of the season. The grass looks so grateful to be trimmed, and the yard is so much less a wasteland. I love surveying the yard as I go, seeing what has grown over the winter, where the critters have found a home. I hate finding where my son left a tool, that shoe that went missing months ago, or a rock that somehow grew in the middle of the grass.

My mower came back from the shop where it got it's winter service. A branch new oil filter, a brand new set of blades. We are ready. C'mon spring...

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