Friday, July 18, 2008

Unauthorized photography prohibited

There was a bad accident on the road leading to our development about a month ago. It was bad enough that the county put up some new signs "Do Not Pass" along the road to try to avoid a repeat.

When you think about it, that's kind of a dumb sign. When I was a kid, I wondered why they had a road after a sign like that? Why would they build a road past a sign they didn't want you to go past?

Of course, we had a sign in my neighborhood where I was growing up that said "Slow Children". I objected to the implication, until, being bright like I was, I realized it must be referring to my sister.

But the one that was most heinous was the sign indicating the exit to the town we lived in. We lived in a town named "North Reading". The sign said "No Reading". Now you tell me, I thought, why would they put a sign up instructing you not to read it?


1 comment:

justjuls said...

I always liked the signs that said "Stop A-head". It is funny to get inside the mind of a child again and realize how this stuff must seem to them!