Thursday, August 28, 2008

Prime time is all the time

Where's the headline?

A few days ago the headline was "Dow slides 241 points" on a particularly bad day. Then, right afterward, it climbed around 25 points, then 89 points, then today up 212 points. No headlines for the good news, we wouldn't want anyone to have the impression there's anything GOOD going on, now would we? If them news guys say we are suffering economically, we must be. I mean, look at those cars at the gas pumps....they are filling up for $75 dollars twice a week and are darned mad about it...and the danged lines at the Ruby'd think you wouldn't have to stand in the danged line so long to spend your $37 on them big hamburgers...and if my 5th grader complains onemoretime about that old fashioned 6 month old cell phone I gave her, I'll take the $40 dollars a month and buy something for me with it.....

Yep. Times is hard.

We did get the good news of the 8 gold medals by the American swimmer. We also got the good news the Hillary would let her people vote for Barack. That was nice. And that they were so generous they decided not to vote for Barack, let's just all yell "hurrah" and call it a day - who needs those time consuming voting things anyway? Hurrah for the great leader. Yeah. Caught up in the moment...

Why do we have these conventions anyway, since everything is already decided? So there is a forum for all Americans to hear the list of impossible promises and pandering, and to be convinced that though there are no values discussed and that lying is OK if they are white lies and don't really hurt anyone anyway and if I say sorry..we can all feel GOOD about ourselves and ...whoops...what's that sound...? Sounds like flushing water....or is that rushing water....? If I don't believe it maybe it won't be real!?

Can you tell me what I want to hear one more time? C'mon, tell me a liddle lie...

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