Sunday, January 25, 2009

Change has come to America (change back to the way it was)

So in the first few days the new President has the opportunity to let it be known how he will implement the keynotes he campaigned on and presumably was expected to enact because of his victory.

President Obama made an issue of "Change" and that he was going to change the way business is done in Washington, that he was going to rid of us of the divisiveness that impairs our government's problems solving ability.


So he made sure to take the most emotional issue of his opposition's repertoire, abortion, and stick it to them. In the first three days he lifted the ban on fetal stem cell experiments and the ban on American funding of foreign abortions. He did it "quietly".

Wow. A lot of change. Change back to the Clinton ways. No bipartisan discussion, just a memo and executive order. So, if the issue of infant life can be overlooked, I guess we'll all get along....

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