Saturday, June 9, 2012


It is interesting how much information is available online. The verb "to google" is so natural that my 4 year old granddaughter knows to tell her Mom "to google" when there is a unknowable answer on the table. That is an enormous privilege, but at the same time, somewhat daunting to know that we find out these things instantly, and assume them as truth as quickly.


All of this while we have other information that has been written and proven for thousands of years, yet, doesn't even warrant an instant of consideration. Most who spend time studying the Bible and let it guide their lives find it to be true and inspiring. Others reject the notion that the Bible speaks truth without reading any. Some even reject it based on "googling" and finding some critic who rejects it.


I bake bread that is made from flour I grind from fresh wheat. I have to use the flour within 2 hours of grinding it to maintain the chemical composition that has the greatest value. It takes about half an hour extra to make bread this way. I could use flour I buy at the grocery store and save that time. If I did save that half an hour, my bread would contain 43 fewer nutrients than grinding fresh flour as I do.

Maybe "googling" for facts is like the store-bought flour in that it does fill the stomach and taste good. It even lasts longer on the shelf (as it appears not much life grows on it). Maybe the freshly ground flour with the 43 extra nutrients is like that Bible reading, where the extra time is invested to produce something life sustaining.

Just saying.

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