Sunday, June 10, 2012


One of the reasons the blogging is so thin is that Facebook seems to have sucked all of the online communications out of me.  Of course, I almost never write on Facebook either.  I do, however check my newsfeed often.  Like a few times a day.  When doing so I occasionally quip, comment, or "like" something some wrote or posted.

Thats where I get in trouble.

Seems that is called "stalking", or "creeping".  Neither of them seem like nice things.  It doesn't seem appropriate to criticize someone for reading things people post on a public forum that is designed for everyone to read.  I suppose it makes sense that we make up new rules for stupid things, new etiquette for the inane.

The good news is that one of my kids told me not to worry, being a "creeper" isn't a bad think.

That fits the trajectory.

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