Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Was that camelot?

My Dad and I were talking recently about the direction of our country. It does, in fact, seem a shame that our public is more interested in what they can get for themselves rather than what they can do for the country.

Sound familiar? Those of us who were around in the sixties remember it.

We have a republic whose cry in history is "of the people, by the people and for the people". It is a noble thing to say, and it seems a shame we don't say it more today.

As we approach this election season our focus might better be the "of the people and by the people" part. This government is that, in fact. Each of us must look at the part we are playing, and the result will be a better "for the people". We, the people, are the governing, not the governed. It is a unique place to be, a rich thought for us to live under.

Look around. Are there any weak, any poor, and sick? Are there any who you can defend? Are there any you can feed? Is there someone who needs to be led? Or served? That indeed is government of the people and by the people. We don't really need to be reminded about the "for the people" part. We have that one down pretty well.

A good time to review and debate, but also a good time to reset. Thanks for the reminder Dad.


justjuls said...

This is a great perspective -
Also a spiritual principle, no?
If we were taking care of one another with agape love, a lot of what we debate would be non-existent.

Good to see you blogging again.
I miss it when you don't blog.
Are you writing elsewhere? You eluded to that some time ago.

justjuls said...

Oh yeah - PS - I wasn't around in the 60s. :)
I was in the womb in 69 - but didn't make a grand appearance until February of 1970.