Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Prophesy before us

As expected, the individual who commented on my post (2 posts back) about Stephen Hawking fulfills what was predicted in the scripture he mocks:

"in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires." (read 2 Peter chapter 3)

Thank you sir. You join the millions of scoffers and prove the point.

To inform you, not to convince you (I don't imagine you want to be convinced), faith has to be exercised before it can be proven. Only the faithful get the privilege, that is the essence of faith. The issue is not a contest between intellect and faith. Intellect tries to prove in advance, faith is the conscious choice to believe in advance. Neither is a higher order than the other...they are completely different from each other. Highly intellectual people are also highly faithful. Proof comes to the faithful.

You can mock that if you choose. When you do, you prove your own limits that prevent you from experiencing the power of faith. The billions who have understood that for thousands of years experience that fact, they do not argue, they live.

Faith in intellect is like other empty faith. Wooden and stone idols, images in the sky, chants, and rituals all distract us from faith in the truth that has been seen throughout the history of mankind. Don't think it is unintentional. Again, mock if you like, and understand that you are playing directly into the hand of God's enemy who mocks you in your intellectual denial of the truth.

Still, there will always be those who scoff. I suggest they are afraid of finding the truth that will make them accountable. Instead of trusting these words, they trust the waivering "intellect", the intellect that said "the world is flat...oh, no, it is is the center of the universe, see?... oh, no, it is not,...ok, well, life began in a primordial soup...oh, no, it must have come from inside volcanoes,....oh, no, it must have been seeded from comets, or asteroids, or meteors....there are 3 elements, oh no, there are more...the universe is expanding....shrinking....must be life on Mars...little green men? How about just a microbe...well, maybe not, how about Europa? Lunar dust is many feet deep by our calculations....well.....ok, maybe some of it fell off..." Wasn't it early scientific intellectuals that insisted that flies spontaneously appeared alive and that lead can be made into gold? And do you, sir, really understand what Steven Hawking is saying other than he isn't afraid of the dark? You choose to believe him, perhaps mostly because he denies the truth you can't bring yourself to look at. OK. Dr Hawkins invites you into his long line of scoffers, and according to the prophesy you fulfill in doing so, has a lot of company.


Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great post, to which I'll add, Amen!!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

P.S. Hope you don't mind if I post a link to it on my FB wall. (And I'm printing out a copy for myself too for future reference, since I could never have worded a response as well as you have.) :o)