Monday, January 18, 2016

Back at-chya

Saw one of those sappy short flicks on FB that promoted giving and how life changing a single gift was, with the edict to remember and return.  The return was also life changing, but, due to circumstances, was much larger than the first gift it was in response to.  Despite the size, the impact on the recipient was similarly significant.

I remember 2 in particular - one gift of $20 and one other of $40.  I also remember a couple of people (families) who loved me for no reason.  I must ensure that, while I have little likelihood of returning to those individuals the impact their gifts made on me at the moment I received them, that the theme of my life be to have that same impact on others around me - that I don't measure the gift I give by the worthiness of those I give it to.  For me, that can only be energized by the God who loves me being present in my moment-by-moment.

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